Super Soldier Theory

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Super Solider Theory is one of the Theories on the cause of Differentiation. It holds that Different individuals were created by government forces working to develop human weapons, usually surrounding World War II. Most commonly, the theory points to Nazi Germany and the human experimentation projects it conducted. Some argue that the test subjects escaped somehow, and then spread the Super Soldier genes. Others argue that the Nazis released an agent on purpose, as some sort of last ditch effort to create a race of supermen. They argue this is the Fourth Reich. Other versions of this theory place the Super Solider programs in the United States, the Soviet Union, or Japan. This theory is cited as part of the Single Parent Theory, with the original Different as a Super Solider who than spread the mutation.

Critics of this theory point to the complexity of the mutations observed in Different individuals. They argue that the capacity for such extreme genetic engineering falls outside the levels of any known science. Furthermore, critics point to the fact that Different individuals have been observed in within virtually every human population. It is extremely unlikely that a few individuals created as part of a Super Soldier program could spread the mutation to such vast locales.